ARDEX CP is a trowel-grade, cementitious topping for filling and repairing areas of indoor and outdoor concrete above, on or below grade. Engineered with Portland cement and select high-performance polymers, ARDEX CP readily bonds to concrete surfaces. It is easy to apply, hardens quickly, is freeze-thaw resistant, and produces a surface finish that is suitable for foot and rubber tire traffic. When mixed with water, the result is a creamy, smooth consistency that can be applied by trowel or screed. Use ARDEX CP to fill spalls, gouges, dormant cracks, “birdbaths” and other low areas in existing concrete surfaces, including sidewalks, patios, plazas, courtyards, walkways, driveways, parking garages, pool decks and vertical concrete surfaces. ARDEX CP can also be used to re-form concrete steps and curbs, to create ramps over existing concrete, or to resurface vertical concrete substrates. Once applied and allowed to dry properly, ARDEX CD, ARDEX CD FINE CONCRETE DRESSING or ARDEX CG CONCRETE GUARD can be installed over the patched area, as well as over adjacent concrete, to create a uniform appearance. ARDEX CP is recommended for residential and commercial applications.
Coverage Rate: 22.5 sq. ft. per bag at 4” (2.1 m2 at 6 mm), Application methods and the texture of the concrete being coated will affect this rate.